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E-Mail Reporting Requirements for DoubleClick Campaign Manager
If you are unable to provide Quantcast with API access, please follow these instructions to set up a daily e-mailed report. This will allow your Quantcast team to monitor delivery and optimize for performance. The columns in the report need to be in English and column headers should match exactly to the below examples.
DCM Reports for All Regions
Mandatory fields
Filters: Advertiser
Campaign ID
Placement ID
Total Conversions (if applicable)
View-through conversions (if applicable)
Click-through conversions (if applicable)
View-through Revenue (if applicable)
Click-through revenue (if applicable)
Total Revenue (if applicable)
Activities: Select the floodlight activities that are conversion events for the specific campaign. This may be just one activity or multiple activities
Additional notes
The transpose process starts at the 8th column, so the Activity columns (Clicks-through Conversions, View-through Conversions, Clicks-through Revenue, View-through Revenue) should start after the associated column.
The mandatory fields should always be present before the start of the transpose process.
If the Activity columns contain the word "View-through Conversions" they are considered View conversions.
If the Activity columns contain the word "Click-through Conversions" they are considered Click conversions.
Total Conversions are normally calculated through View Conversions + Click Conversions. If these fields are not present, then if the Activity columns contain the word "Total Conversions" they are considered Total Conversions. The same is true for Revenue.
Instructions to Set Up Reporting in DCM
Login to DCM.
Choose the relevant profile from the top right then select Reporting & Attribution under the switch products icon.
Create a New Report
Select Offline Reporting, and then select New, and then Standard Report.
File Name: Please name the file using a unique and descriptive file (E.g. “ClientName_CampaignName_Quarter_YEAR”).
Choose CSV as the file type and select the last 30 days as the date range (unless other specific dates are required).
4. Set Up a Report using the mandatory fields previously mentioned for your region.
Schedule the Report
Check the Active check box
Repeats: Daily
Every: 1 day
Start Date: First day of campaign or today’s date
Expires: Day after last day of campaign
Select Attachment as the delivery method and share the report with the appropriate alias AND your Account Manager by adding their email addresses to the “+ add people” option.
Finally, remember to select Save and Run.