Glossary of Terms for Marketers
  • 10 Sep 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Glossary of Terms for Marketers

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Article summary

This Glossary will detail how Quantcast defines the terms you may encounter in our platform and reporting.



Ad Set: An Ad Set is a group of creatives that share the same inventory, schedule, and targeting.

Attribution Window: The maximum time between a conversion event and a prior engagement event, such as an ad click or view, for which the conversion will still be counted.

Audience: Audience is the estimated number of people the Ad Set is expected to reach. Your Audience is created based on selections made within the Ad Set, including:

  1. Lookalike: Selects an audience that "looks like" preset segments and site events.

  2. Retargeting: Select an audience from previous visitors to your site.

  3.  Demographics: Select an audience based on your chosen demographics such as Gender, Age, Children (Has Kids/Has No Kids), Income, and Education.

  4. Interests: Select an audience based on chosen Keywords.


Budget: The amount of money authorized to be spent. The budget can be set to Daily or Lifetime.

Budget Delivered: (formerly called Spend) The total amount of the budget delivered to date on the Campaign/Ad Set.


Campaign Objective: The purpose of the campaign

  • Reach: Show ads to the maximum number of people. Available for Web and CTV.

  • Video Views: Get people to view video content. Available for Web.

  • Clicks: Drive clicks on the creative. Available for Web.

  • Traffic: Drive traffic to a site. Available for Web and CTV.

  • Conversions: Drive conversions on a site. Available for Web and CTV.

Campaign Budget Optimization:  An option to set the budget at the campaign level and distribute it across all ad sets within the campaign. The budget is then optimized to the best-performing ad sets.

Clicks: Quantcast uses two Clicks measurements:

  • Clicks (General IVT): Uses industry-standard IVT detection.

  • Clicks (Advanced IVT): This measurement uses Quantcast's advanced IVT detection to report the most accurate number of clicks possible. It is used for calculating Click-Through Rates and other click-based metrics.

Click Boost:  Click Boost adds clicks as a secondary goal on an ad set and will balance increased clicks with Reach.

Composition: (In terms of Audience) Composition is the proportion of an audience reached by the campaign, calculated by dividing the targeted impressions by the total actual impressions.

Conversion: The event (usually a purchase, sign-up, download, or something of that nature) we are trying to drive for our clients on DR campaigns.

CPCV: CPCV is Cost per Complete View. It measures video ad set performance.

CPM: CPM is the cost per thousand impressions.


Daily Budget: The amount of budget available to spend within a 24-hour period.

Dayparting: Dayparting controls the times of the day an ad can be seen and is used to prevent ads in sensitive categories from appearing during times of the day that children may be watching.


eCPM: eCPM is the effective cost per thousand impressions, calculated as total cost divided by the number of impressions divided by 1000. For example, Total Cost of $3000 with 100,000 impressions, the eCPM would be $30.

eCPM Cap: The eCPM cap puts a limit on the eCPM.

eCPM Target: The eCPM target sets an eCPM goal Quantcast attempts to reach.



Frequency Cap:  A limit on the number of times an Ad Set or Campaign is seen by end users. It can be set at either the Campaign or Ad Set levels.

  • Campaign: Frequency Cap at the campaign level allows you to control the frequency that your campaign is seen by end users and will consider all Ad Sets within the Campaign.

  • Ad Set: The Frequency Cap at the Ad Set level allows you to control the frequency with which the specific Ad Set is seen by end users.


Index: (In terms of Audience) Index is a comparison of the composition of the users within a segment against the composition of users within this same segment across the Internet.

Invalid Traffic: Invalid Traffic (IVT) is any traffic that does not come from a genuine human being with genuine interest. It can include accidental clicks, bots, and other invalid clicks.

 Inventory: Inventory is the number of impressions or views available for purchase for campaigns/ad sets. It is determined by a combination of Deals & Packages selected, Fraud & Brand Safety, any Exchanges & SSPs that are included or excluded, and any IPs suppressed.

  • Deals and Packages: Target curated programmatic deals and packages

  • Supply Management: Details the Deals and Packages, SSPs/Exchanges, Brand Safety and ISP Suppression available to you.

  • Brand Safety: Brand safety is how you protect your brand by avoiding any placement or context that could potentially harm your brand or reputation.


Projections: Estimates around audience size, reach, impressions, and CPM.


Supply Management: This section details the Deals and Packages, SSPs/Exchanges, Brand Safety, and ISP Suppression available to you.


Targeting: Targeting is how you tell Quantcast how, when, and where the ad will be seen.

  • Channel: Quantcast supports both Web and CTV channels.

  • Cookie Type:  Quantcast offers both cookies and cookieless. 

  • Location:  Using locations, from countries down to postal codes, to find audiences. Allows targeting based on geo-location.

  • Frequency: Frequency targeting enables you to hit your audience at your desired frequency, while frequency cap keeps people from seeing your ads too often.

  • Languages: Allows you to target or exclude specific languages.

  • Viewability: Viewability is the percentage of measured impressions that are deemed viewable.

  • Devices: Target users on specific device types.

    • For Web Ad Sets:

      • Desktop

        • Linux

        • MacOS

        • Windows

        • Other

      • Mobile

        • Apple

        • Huawei

        • Google

        • Motorola

        • Samsung

        • Other

      • Tablet

        •  Amazon

        • Apple

        • Huawei

        • Samsung

        • Lenovo

        • Other

    • For CTV Ad Sets

      • Streaming

        • Amazon

        • Apple

        • Google

        • Roku

        • Xiaomi

        • Other

      • Smart TV

        • Amazon

        • LG

        • Roku

        • Samsung

        • Vizio

        • Other

      • Consoles

        • Microsoft

        • Sony

        • Other

      • Desktop

        • Linux

        • MacOS

        • Windows

        • Other

      • Mobile

        • Apple

        • Huawei

        • Google

        • Motorola

        • Samsung

        • Other

      • Tablet

        •  Amazon

        • Apple

        • Huawei

        • Samsung

        • Lenovo

        • Other


UTM: UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module, which is a code snippet that can be added to the end of a URL to track the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns. UTM codes can also help identify specific sources of traffic to a website.

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