Insights: Supply Funnel Breakdown
  • 01 Apr 2024
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Insights: Supply Funnel Breakdown

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Article summary

The Supply Funnel Breakdown report aims to unbundle inventory usage within an Ad Set to help you identify the reasons and extent that the inventory is deemed unsuitable based on the Ad Set’s delivery settings and objectives. It also suggests areas where you can optimize inventory usage and campaign performance. The Supply Funnel Breakdown report may answer the following questions:

  • Is there enough inventory traffic coming under a specific Deal?

  • How much of the deal’s inventory meets my campaign constraints, such as location, audience, viewability, brand safety settings?

  • How many inventory opportunities are lost because the bid price is too low? 

Accessing the Supply Funnel Breakdown Report

Note: There is a 2-hour delay for the underlying report data to be available on the Supply Funnel Breakdown report. 

Interpreting the Supply Funnel Breakdown Report

Summary View

On the report’s summary view, you can quickly access key information including the following:

Label Description

Possible Optimization Actions

Bid Requests

The number of bid opportunities coming into the bidder. When a Deal is applied on the ad set, this value coincides with the number of bid requests sent under that deal by the Supply Partner or Publisher.

If there are zero requests, there might be something wrong with the Deal ID(s) applied to the Ad Set. Review your settings to verify that:

  • The right Deal ID is used

  • The right Buyer Seat ID has been used by the Supply Partner when setting up the deal


If the number of Bid Requests is too low, work with your Supply Partner to increase the number of incoming inventory.

Bids Made

The number of bid responses submitted to the incoming bid requests and what percentage this represents over the total incoming requests,  also known as Bid Rate, A very low bid Bid Rate indicates that the majority of incoming inventory is unsuitable for the Ad Set’s activity.

Check the detailed Supply Funnel Breakdown view to identify where inventory is being filtered out. Consider possible optimization actions under the specific filter 

Bids eCPM 

The average bid eCPM submitted by the bidder.

If the value is lower than the Deal’s fixed price, change the eCPM cap entered on the platform

Win Rate The number of impressions delivered over the number of bids submitted. A very low win rate may highlight the lower priority of a Deal on the supplier’s waterfall, or increased competition for the particular inventory.

Work with your supplier and negotiate for higher priority on the Deal


The number of impressions delivered under that Ad Set.

Not applicable


The effective, average CPM across all delivered impressions.

Not applicable

 Supply Funnel Breakdown View

The supply funnel breakdown view allows you to unbundle the causes of supply filtering on the bid requests available to an Ad Set. The graph shows the absolute numbers of bid requests coming to an Ad Set and the percentage of the total available inventory being filtered out in different stages of the funnel. You can hover over the supply funnel breakdown to see bid requests and more granular metrics and filters.

  • The Dropoff percentage indicates the total percentage of all bid requests that dropped off in that specific stage of the funnel.

  • The percentages, listed under Top Dropoff Reasons, indicate the percentage of the existing bid requests that dropped off at the time the filter was applied.

For example, if you started with 100 bid requests, dropping 20% (Frequency Capping) results in 80, then dropping 20% (Geo) again results in 64, for a total dropoff of 36% (Dropoff percentage).

The following list includes all granular metrics and filters applied to your Ad Set: 

Global Pre-targeting: A set of rules applied across the platform relating to quality, privacy, brand safety and fraud applied to all bid opportunities. Users cannot opt out of these platform-wide inventory quality and privacy checks.

  • Global Brand Safety: By default the platform applies a set of brand safety rules on all bid opportunities inline with Quantcast’s brand safety and misinformation policy. This is where tools like the global blocklists and URL keyword filtering is applied, and mitigating the risk of brand unsafe and misinformation content occurs.

Possible Optimization Actions: Check if the inventory your supply partners send you is brand safe. Carefully select partners that are brand suitable to your marketing activity.

  • Global Fraud: The platform also applies a comprehensive set of built-in anti-fraud rules, rejecting bid requests identified as fraudulent so that they are not considered by the bidder.

Possible Optimization Actions: Check the inventory your supply partners send you to be certain it is fraud free.

  • Supply Transparency: The platform applies IAB’s transparency standards, including ads.txt compliance validation, and filters out requests that are not compliant with these standards.

Possible Optimization Actions:  Check that your supply partners and publishers are ads.txt compliant.

  • User Consent: Quantcast is a privacy-first platform, bid opportunities must meet Quantcast’s standards for consent.

Possible Optimization Actions: Check that your supply partners have adopted TCFv2 and obtained valid consent from their audience.

  • Requests Validation: The platform filters out bid requests that fail validation

Possible Optimization Actions: Work with the Quantcast team ([email protected]) to identify possible causes for the validation issues.

  • Advertising Id: First-party and Third-party identifiers are currently required so that the platform can carry out its measurement capabilities and reach the right audience. Any requests without a supported advertiser identifier will not be considered by the bidder.

Possible Optimization Actions: Ask your supply partners to only send inventory opportunities that are addressable on the Quantcast Platform. Work with the Quantcast team ([email protected]) to identify possible optimization opportunities.

  • Other:  Requests being dropped due to platform OpenRTB infrastructure settings.

Possible Optimization Actions: Work with the Quantcast team ([email protected]) if this represents a significant drop in inventory.

Inventory Targeting: All inventory constraints applied on the Ad Set, such as the selection between video or display formats, applied creative ad sizes etc.

  • Platform: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set’s selected platforms (web or in-app)

Possible Optimization Actions: Check that your supply partners are sending inventory that corresponds to your Ad Sets creative format (display, video, native) and environment (web, in-app).

  • Device: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set’s selected devices.

Possible Optimization Actions: Check that your supply partners are sending inventory that corresponds to your Ad Set’s devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).

  • Video Player Size: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set’s selected video player size.

Note: Currently, the platform only considers requests where the video player width is greater than 400px.

Possible Optimization Actions: Check that your supply partners are sending video inventory with a width greater than 400px.

Brand Safety & Fraud: The application of allow/block lists, as well as prebid configurations from partners such as DoubleVerify (DV) and Integral Ad Science (IAS).

  • Allow/Block Lists: This filter reflects bid requests on domains complying with the Ad Set’s allow/block configurations.

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider loosening restrictions around domains being blocked from your Ad Set by removing high-volume publisher properties from your block list, or adding them to your allow list.

  • IP Blocklist: This filter reflects bid requests on IPs complying with the Ad Set’s allow/block configurations.

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider loosening restrictions around IPs being blocked from your Ad Set.

  • IAS Prebid Settings: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set’s  Integral Ad Science (IAS) Prebid configuration.

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider loosening your risk tolerance levels on selected brand safety and fraud filters. For example, change the threshold from MODERATE AND HIGH RISK to HIGH RISK for your brand safety settings.

  • DV  Prebid Settings: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set’s DoubleVerify (DV) Prebid configuration.

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider loosening your risk tolerance levels on selected brand safety and fraud filters. For example, change the threshold from LOW MODERATE AND HIGH RISK, MODERATE AND HIGH RISK to HIGH RISK for your brand safety settings.

Audience Targeting: Audience setting constraints such as geo-targeting, first-party audience selection or suppression, etc.

  • Geo: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set’s geo-targeting settings.

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider removing metro or city-level settings from your Ad Set’s configuration.

  • Audience Targeting: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set's Included or Suppressed Audience settings.

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider removing high-volume audiences from your suppression configuration or adding high-volume audiences to your inclusion configuration. Use the Quantcast Platform’s Audience Planner capabilities to identify valuable audiences.

  • Audience Relevance: This filter reflects bid requests complying with the Ad Set’s Interest Based Audience settings.

Possible Optimization Actions: Use the Quantcast Platform’s Audience Planner to identify ways to increase your audience size. Consider using more “OR” conditions instead of “AND” conditions. “OR” adds to your audience size, whereas “AND” restricts your audience size.

  • Frequency Capping: This filter reflects bid requests within the Frequency cap settings.

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider increasing the frequency cap within your time window.

  • Experiment Audience Targeting: This filter reflects bid requests for users within an experiment’s audience.

Possible Optimization Actions: Not applicable

Composition Goals: Reflects inventory opportunities being dropped because the platform considers them unsuitable to the Ad Set’s optimization goals (e.g., viewability, completion rate, audience reach goals).

  • Composition Goals

Possible Optimization Actions: Consider removing or loosening optimization goals that are not critical. For example, lowering or removing Viewability settings. This is particularly important when your campaign settings have low-volume audiences, and when any Ad Set configurations have limited inventory.

Creative Blocks: Reflects bid requests dropped because the publisher has rejected the advertiser’s creative according to their brand safety criteria.

  • Invalid Creative: This filter reflects bid requests from Exchange and Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) that have rejected the Ad Sets’ creative.

Possible Optimization Actions: Work with your supply partner and obtain approval for your campaign’s creative.

  • Creative rejected by publisher: This filter reflects bid requests from Publishers that have rejected the Ad Sets’ creative.

Possible Optimization Actions: Work with your supply partner and obtain approval for your campaign’s creative.

Pricing: Reflects inventory opportunities being dropped because the platform considers them not valuable enough for the Ad Set’s optimization goals (e.g., viewability, completion rate, audience reach goals) or lower than the publisher's floor price.

  • Below Bid Floor/Fixed Price: This filter reflects bid requests that the platform prices below the deal’s floor price.

Possible Optimization Actions: Raise your eCPM cap to your Deal’s floor price. Consider raising ad set’s allocated budget.

Bids Sent: The number of bids sent to the supply partner.

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